Hope 4 World Children Website

Hope 4 World Children is a legally licensed non-profit organization and registered under Federal Income Tax Under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3); dedicated to give hope for the hopeless children’s around the world. It is a USA based an international charity organization that offers support for children on education, health, food and clean water. It believes that children in developing countries growing up in poverty, face multiple challenges. They are unable to go to school, face hunger and malnutrition, lack medical services and socially discriminated. With a minimum support from each one of us, Hope 4 World Children is confident that we can make a huge difference in the lives of thousands of homeless children. We can support children get the health care, education and clean water. We can end the suffering of women and children in developing countries together.

Hope 4 World Children has no affiliation with any religious or political organizations. It bridges the gap between the supporters and hopeless children and volunteers in different continents. It is also aimed at engaging the community in the battle against disease, poverty and hunger.